Three important questions for a Designer/Decorator

27th January 2021

Investing in a designer or decorator to achieve your dream space can be daunting, asking questions can hold the key to connecting with the perfect team.

Looking for assistance to design your ideal space?

Understanding the commitment from each professional you select to assist in the transformation of your space matter.

I believe there’s a perfect match for everyone when it comes to crafting their dream environment. Selecting a decorator or designer can be tricky, so here’s three essential questions you need to discuss during your initial discussions with a professional.

1. What’s their philosophy for designing a client’s space?

In other words, how will you help me create my ideal environment? Every designed space is unique, and everyone’s personal interest are individual, most interior decorators recognise the importance of understanding the client’s needs and desires is a trait of any great designer. I believe it’s not solely about achieving visual beauty; it’s about weaving a narrative within the space that resonates with its inhabitants. Every inch of space in a home has its own energy, so when selecting the perfect elements, it’s crucial to grasp your client’s energy, emotion and how they they wish their home to define to them when finished.

2. What’s their philosophy for designing a client’s space?

This question is vital for understanding how well your needs will be addressed during your collaboration. Most decorators and designers are aware of the number of clients and projects they can handle simultaneously. This is why you might encounter waiting lists or see posts about accepting new clients as previous projects conclude. Managing client load responsibly is key to delivering the best service to each individual. Sometimes it’s best to wait, if need be to end up with the desired result in the end.

3. Is your budget realistic for my project and what needs and wants you have for your space?

 Before reaching out to an interior decorator/designer, it’s essential to clarify how much you are willing or able to invest in your project. This enables you to communicate your budget clearly and helps the decorator/designer determine if your vision aligns with your financial resources. There’s no point in spending your hard-earned money or valuable time discussing your aspirations if the costs don’t realistically match your budget—after all, money doesn’t grow on trees, and neither do stunning interiors!

To achieve a specific ambiance, it’s vital to think realistically about the financial implications. When discussing budgets with my clients, I often suggest breaking projects into smaller areas. This approach alleviates the pressure of needing extensive savings upfront and allows for a more gradual investment as renovations progress. I find that starting the process lifts energy levels, it’s amazing how seeing progress in any form transforms your life. This opens up new possibilities, including financial ones, and there’s no reason not to focus on one room at a time while keeping the overall vision in mind. Plus this makes living in other areas of the home much more bearable. Asking this important question can save you from needing to find other funds throughout the renovation/redesign project.

Remember, your home is a reflection of your life and aspirations. As you work with your decorator/designer, prioritise elements that resonate with your lifestyle and future goals. This thoughtful approach not only ensures that your space is beautiful and functional but also that it supports and enhances your daily life.

So embrace the transformation, celebrate each achievement, and watch as your vision comes to life, one room at a time.

For more information on how we can work together to create your perfect space check out our Interior Decorating Services.

Together, let’s create style and beauty.

Mel x

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